2 pieces of tofu
     100 ml of water
     4 teaspoons soy sauce for serving
     1/2 teaspoon salt
     8 teaspoon onion fritters
     100 gr vermicelli makers
     4 pieces of rice cake cut into pieces
     100 gr bean sprouts makers
     2 cloves of garlic finely
     1 cucumber cut into small pieces
     100 gr fried starch crackers
     Oil for frying
Peanut sauce ingredients:
     150 gr fried peanuts puree
     1 clove of garlic
     1 teaspoon salt
     25 grams of refined sugar IS IR
     6 pieces of red chili stew
     25 ml of acid water
     150 ml of water
How to make:
     Marinate tofu in salt solution, garlic and water. Fry until then cut cooked  pieces.
     For the peanut sauce: pestle red chili, garlic, salt and brown sugar. Enter peanuts and pestle until smooth. Add water and acidic water and pestle until it is completely smooth and flat.
     Serve rice cake, chunks of tofu, bean sprouts, rice noodles and peanut sauce. Add soy sauce.
     Serve after sprinkle with fried onions and crackers.


Dodoo apple, is one of the refined products of the apple. Apples used to wear a sort apples, which looks less good fruit can be used for the production of apple lunkhead, because the material used to make lunkhead apple is apple fruit flesh. 
The main materials used in the manufacture of lunkhead apple is an apple with full maturity. Fruit used should have a sweet taste to reduce the amount of sugar added.
Additional materials required in the manufacture of apple lunkhead generally is sugar, coconut milk and glutinous rice flour. If a woman wants to make a more apples lunkhead supple and durable, the mother can add gelatin (pengenyal) and Premium HQ / preservatives. To add the dissolved gelatin could previously used in warm water to form a viscous solution like glue. For 1 kg adionan lunkhead can be added 5-10gram gelatin and 1 g Premium HQ.
Besides using glutinous rice flour and coconut milk, there are also recipes that use only lunkhead apple gelatin as pengenyalnya, generally lunkhead apples that taste similar to using gelatin jelly candy, chewy and sweet and sour. Unlike the apple lunkhead who uses sticky rice and coconut milk that tastes tend to be sweet-savory. Here we provide an alternative recipe apple lunkhead without glutinous rice flour

How to Make:
1.Kupas apples, cut and blender
2.Campur all ingredients and cook until mixture thickens
3.Tuang in a baking dish that has been spread with margarine
4.Biarkan until cold
5.Potong and pack in plastic


Classification of Traditional Medicine 
Traditional medicine is the ingredient or ingredients in the form of plant material, animal ingredients, mineral materials, sarian (galenic) or mixtures of these materials, which for generations has been used for treatment based on experience.
Natural medicine that exist in Indonesia can be categorized into three, namely herbs, standardized herbal medicine, and fitofarmaka.
    Jamu (Empirical based herbalmedicine)
    Traditional Herbal Medicine logo
    Traditional Herbal Medicine logo
    Jamu is a traditional medicine that traditionally provided, which contains the entire plant material into constituent herbal medicine, hygiene (contamination-free) and is used traditionally. Herbal medicine has been used for generations for decades if not centuries, In general, this type is made with reference to the ancestral recipe. Medicinal forms not need scientific proof to clinical, but with enough empirical evidence to generation.

  Standardized Herbal medicine (herbal medicine Scientificbased)     Standardized Herbal Medicine logo
    Standardized Herbal Medicine logo
    Is a traditional medicinal or penyarian served from extracts of natural products that may be of medicinal plants, animals, and minerals. To carry out this process requires more complex equipment and expensive, plus dengant enaga supportive work with the knowledge and skills of making extracts. In addition to the production process with advanced technology, this type has been supported by the scientific evidence in the form of studies of pre-clinical (animal tests) with mengikutis tandar efficacious ingredients, standardized manufacture of medicinal plant extracts, standard hygienic manufacture of traditional medicines, and toxicity testing akutmaupun chronic.
    Phytopharmaca (basedherbal Clinical Medicine)
    Logo Phytopharmaca
    Logo Phytopharmaca
    Phytopharmaca is the traditional medicine of natural materials that can be compared with modern medicine because the manufacturing process that has been standardized, supported by scientific evidence through clinical trials in humans with syarati lmiah meet the criteria, testing protocols that have been approved, the competent executive, meets ethical principles, where test execution qualify. With clinical trials will be to convince the medical profession to use herbal medicine in health care facilities. Communities could also be encouraged to use herbal medicine for its benefits are clear with scientific evidence.
Know the Medicinal Plant Family
Understanding TOGA
Toga is the abbreviation of medicinal plants. Medicinal plants is essentially a good piece of land in your backyard, garden or fields are used to grow plants that have medicinal properties in order to meet family needs for drugs. Garden of medicinal plants or medicinal materials and can then be distributed to the public, especially drugs derived from plants.
Utilization of Medicinal Plants
Since the creation of man on the earth’s surface, has been created from the natural surroundings as well since it is also human nature began to try to take advantage of the natural surroundings to meet the needs for life, including medicine needs to tackle health problems. The fact is that with the help of drugs of natural origin ingredients, people can overcome health problems that it faces. This suggests that drugs derived from natural sources especially plant material has demonstrated its role in the administration of public health efforts.
Utilization of TOGA is used for the treatment of medical disorders families according to common symptoms are:
    Stomach ache
Types of Plants For TOGA
Types of plants that should be cultivated for medicinal plants are the types of plants that meet the following criteria:
    Plant species mentioned in the book use of medicinal plants.
    Type of plant commonly used as a drug settlement areas.
    Types of plants that can grow and live well in a residential area.
    Types of plants that can be used for other purposes such as: fruits and spices
    Endangered plant species
    Wild plant species
    Species of medicinal plants mentioned in the book is the use of crop plants that are commonly grown in home gardens or grown in residential areas.
Function Toga
Toga is one of the functions as a means to bring herbs to public health efforts that include the following:
    Preventive efforts (prevention)
    Promotive (meniungkatkan health status)
    Curative (healing)
In addition to the above there is also a function of other functions, namely:
    Means of improving the nutritional status of the people, because a lot of medicinal plants known as the crops of fruits or vegetables such as radishes, celery, papaya and others.
    Means for nature conservation.
    When making natural medicinal plants is not followed by re-cultivation efforts, the source of the natural ingredients, especially the herbs will become extinct.
    Means of spreading the green movement.
    To green hills that are currently experiencing deforestation, can be recommended dissemination of planting medicinal plants shaped as trees pahon tamarind tree, Kedaung trees, tree trengguli and others.
    Means for pemertaan income.
    Toga in addition serves as a means to provide for the family medicine can also serve as a source of income for the family.
    Means beauty.
With the Toga and when in order properly then this will result in the beauty for the person / people who are nearby. Required to produce beauty care for trees being planted mainly planted in the yard.
In the use of medicinal plants, there are a few things to consider so that treatment outcomes maxima. Read through all the instructions about medication timbuhan below.
    In order to get the best ingredients from medicinal plants, keep in mind the time-the time of collection or harvesting nutritious ingredients.
    The following guidelines when collecting materials in general medicine.
        Leaves of flowering plants collected during and before the fruit became ripe.
        Flowers were collected before or immediately after bloom.
        Ripe fruit picked in the state.
        Seeds collected from perfectly ripe fruit yan g.
        Roots, rhizomes (rhizome), tubers (tuber), and bulbs (bulb) collected while the plant stops.
    Ingredients that have been collected immediately washed, preferably with running water. Once clean, can be utilized if necessary use the freshest ingredients. However, it can also be dried to be stored and used at any time when needed.
    Drying aims to reduce water levels and circumvent decomposition by fungi or bacteria. Thus, the material can be kept longer in the jar or sealed container. Dried material is also easily crushed if you want to create a powder.
    Here’s how to dry ingredients:
        Large-sized materials contain lots of water and can be cut into pieces as needed beforehand.
        Drying can be directly under the sun, or wear protective gear such as fine wire if it does not require drying too quickly.
        Drying can also be done with air the material in the shade or in the drying chamber airflow is good.
    In the Traditional Chinese Pharmacology known 4 types of properties and 5 kinds of herbs flavor-image, which is part of the way of traditional eastern medicine. The properties of the four kinds of medicinal plants that are cold, hot, warm, and cool. Medicinal plants that are used to heat and warm the cold syndrome treatment, such as patients who are afraid of the cold, cold hands and feet, pale tongue or slow pulse. Medicinal plants that are cold and are used for the treatment of mild heat syndrome, such as fever, thirst, dark yellow urine color, red tongue or rapid pulse.
    Five kinds of medicinal herbs taste is spicy, sweet, sour, bitter, and salty. This flavor is used for a specific purpose because in addition to dealing with an organ, also has its own properties and usability. For example, spicy flavor has spread and stimulating properties. The sweet taste of nutritious tonic and remedy. Sour taste and nutritious preserve pengelat. Mengilangkan bitter taste can be hot and humid. While saltiness soften and as a laxative. Sometimes there is also the added sixth taste, which is neutral or bargaining is efficacious as a laxative urine.
    Boiling the DRUG INGREDIENTS
    Boiling is generally performed in an earthen pot, ceramic pot, or panic emails. Ceramic pots can be purchased in traditional Chinese medicine stores. Panic of iron, aluminum or brass should not be used for boiling. This reminded because these materials can cause sediment, low drug concentration, the formation of toxic or side effects due to chemical reactions with the drug substance.
    Use clean water to boil. Fresh water should be used, unless specified otherwise. How to boil the following ingredients. Materials incorporated into the potting soil. Add water until the material completely submerged and the water level about 30 mm above it. Boiling begins when the water has been absorbed into potions ingredients.
    Perform boiling with appropriate fire-making instructions. If the flame is not specified, it is usually done boiling over high heat until the water boils. Subsequent fire reduced the cooking water to prevent overflow or dry up too quickly. However, sometimes a large fire and small fire used alone as drug baha boil. For example, tonic efficacious drugs commonly boiled with a small flame so efficacious substance can be completely removed in the cooking water. Similarly medicinal plants that contain toxins that need to be boiled with a small fire in a little time, about 3-5 hours to reduce the toxic levels. Large flame used for medicinal herb that is meant to be a quick boiling and evaporation excess of substances that are active components of plants can be prevented.
    If there is no user, the drug is usually taken before meals unless the drug stimulates stomach then taken after meals. Efficacious drug taken with an empty stomach tonic and sedative drugs efficacious when taken to sleep. On chronic diseases taken as regularly scheduled. Medicinal decoction can be drunk as often as need or drunk as a tea substitute.

 HOW TO TAKE DRUGS     Drug is usually taken one dose a day is divided to 2-3 times the drink. Generally drunk while warm, especially for the treatment of external syndrome. After taking the drug, wear thick clothing or a blanket to sleep so that the body remains warm and easy to perspire.
    For treatment of heat syndrome, medications taken in the cold. In contrast to the treatment of cold syndrome drug’s drunk warm. Less toxic drugs, drink little by little but often. Increase dosage gradually so that the treatment effect is achieved.
    Medicinal plants are still in the form of crude drugs, treatment results seem slow, but constructive or building. This is in contrast with the results of chemical drug treatment looks fast but destructive. Therefore, a drug derived from plants are not recommended for acute infectious diseases. Medicinal plants are preferred to maintain the health and treatment of chronic diseases can not be cured with chemical drugs, or require a combination of chemical drugs with potent medicinal plant.


Fruits And Vegetables Repellent Body Toxins
1. avocado
Avocado is a fruit which is high in antioxidants, including glutathione. These compounds can cleanse the body by removing harmful toxins in the body. Reduction of toxins and chemicals present in the body, making your body more healthy.
2. Cranberry
Fruit berry family are included in this addition can prevent urinary tract infections was also able to play a role in the body get rid of toxins. Cranberry fruit is antibacterial, so as to have the ability to remove toxins in the body.
3. cabbage
In addition to vitamins and minerals, cabbage also contains sulfur. Sulfur can help expel chemicals in the body such as pesticide residues and other chemical drugs, which is dangerous when trapped in the body.
4. lemon
Lemon or lime juice contains vitamins and antioxidants high. The fruit is very effective in protecting the liver and expel the chemicals present in the body. Add the lemon juice into warm drinks like tea and consumed on a regular basis is also beneficial in maintaining a healthy body.
5. broccoli
Broccoli is a green vegetable that is rich in antioxidants and beneficial in helping to remove toxins in the body. Broccoli also contains enzymes that can help keep the digestive system working efficiently. Broccoli is consumed without going through the process of cooking raw alias is the best, because the nutritional content is maintained and not reduced.


There is one best way to provide first aid to people who had suffered a stroke. This way can save lives in addition to the patient, also does not cause any side effects. The first aid is aid EMERGENCY guaranteed to work 100%.
As we know, people who had suffered a stroke around the blood flow in the body will be very tight to the blood vessels in the brain. If the activities of aid given to stroke a little late, the blood vessels in the brain will not be able to resist the flow of blood flowing profusely and will soon be broken little by little. In the face of such circumstances not to panic but to be quiet. Stroke patient should remain in its original place where he fell (eg in the bathroom, bedroom, or anywhere else). DO NOT MOVED!!! because the patient move from the original stroke will accelerate the rupture of blood vessels in the brain smooth. Patients with stroke should be helped take a good sitting position in order not to fall again, and at that time extravasation can be done.
For the best use INJECTION NEEDLE, but if not there, then NEEDLE SEWING / pin / pin can be used to advance first sterilized by burning over the fire soon after sterile needle, do the stabbing on 10 END FINGER. Stroke patient insertion point is approximately 1cm from the tip of the nail. Each finger is quite stabbed one time only in the hope of every finger eject blood drops of blood Spending can also be assisted by way of push blood if it was not out of his fingertips. In a period of approximately 10min, Stroke Disease patient will regain consciousness soon. When sipenderita looks lopsided mouth / not normal, then BOTH EARS sipenderita LEAF-DRAWN TO PULL sampa reddish color.
After that do 2 TIMES stabbing at each END DOWN LEAF EAR so that 2 drops of blood out of each end of the ear. Thus in a few minutes form the mouth of the stroke patient will return to normal. After the state of the patient recovering stroke and no significant abnormalities, then bring the patient to the Stroke Disease caution to the doctor or the nearest hospital to get further help.


There are three types of diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Type 1 diabetes, which means the kids. Then type 2 diabetes means diabetes that usually occurs in adults over the age of 45 years old and overweight. Last diabetes is type 3 diabetes, which means diabetes mellitus that occurs only during pregnancy and will recover after childbirth. 
How to cope with and treating diabetes is to do therapy, meal arrangements of course after consultation with a doctor or medical expert is concerned, as well as the use of drugs.
Obviously, like any other medical conditions, prevention is more advanced than treatment. As for prevention, among others, by:
1). Maintain body weight, due to excess weight are more at risk of developing diabetes.
2). Knowing the family health history. People who have a parent with diabetes, more at risk for this disease.
3). Undergo regular physical activity and exercise as regularly. This can help prevent diabetes by controlling weight and improve blood flow.
4). Consuming a balanced diet, low in fat and sugar.
5). A medical examination. Please check your blood sugar levels.
6). Blood pressure checked regularly. Usually people who have high blood pressure are more susceptible to diabetes.
7). Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables because it can stimulate the production of insulin in your body.


There are many things that cause malaria can thrive in an area. And poverty is suppose to be the main factor why malaria prone to attack people in tropical and subtropical moist and has a high rainfall and malaria patients who suffered the most deaths are young children in sub-Saharan Africa region. Although most deaths are in sub-Saharan Africa, as a citizen of Indonesia and the tropical climate you really need to be careful and aware of malaria attacks. Before doing terahadap treatment of malaria, you need to recognize early symptoms of malaria in your body. Malaria following symptoms:
    Patients with malaria typically look paler because less blood
    Besides pale from lack of blood, beginning malaria sufferers also looked tired, lethargic, lackluster, no appetite, nausea and even vomiting
    Convulsions are severe symptoms for people with malaria
    In addition to the above, other severe symptoms that can be shown by patients with malaria is that the yellow color of eyes, loss of self-consciousness, experiencing high heat and the body temperature increases dramatically, urine color is more opaque than usual, more rapid airway than usual, as well as experiencing persistent vomiting to fainting and even coma.

Malaria and its prevention can be done in several ways especially when the symptoms of malaria has been known to the treatment of malaria can go faster and faster anticipated. Here’s how to prevent malaria disease:
    The main thing is keep it away yourself from mosquito bites. Avoiding mosquito bites can be done with a healthy lifestyle and clean. Use mosquito repellent activity especially during sleep typing, use mosquito nets in your bedroom, use insect repellent, put the cattle pens away from home, much less activity outside the house at night.
    Larvae-eating fish stocking in tanks of water that causes malaria mosquito growth can be minimized.
    Clean environment on a regular basis both of stagnant water, garbage, and potentially places as the malaria mosquito.
Preventing malaria could start from ourselves, a vaccine against the body needs to be done especially when you are about to visit areas of high potential to spread malaria. Read also Pest Control Mosquitoes at Home