Relationship with the Development Environment

Pembangungn business improvement , there will be an increased use of resources also support the development and emergence remedy problems in the human environment .
In the construction , natural resources are kompnen yan gpenting because these resources provide for the basic needs of life . In the use of natural realtionship earlier , should balance ecosystem development projects , this balance can be disrupted , which can sometimes endanger people's lives .
To look for a way out in a mutually beneficial reciprocal relationship between process development , resource extraction , and masala environment to contamination or destruction of human life . Because in general , the development process has consequences for the wider human environment , either directly or due to side effects such as the reduction of natural resources quantitatively and qualitatively , biological contamination , chemical contamination , physical impairment and social and cultural disruption .
Losses and changes to the environment need to be taken into account perbahan , with benefits expected to be obtained from a construction project . That is why every effort dala development , social costs to preserve the environment needs to be taken into account , as far as possible not to burden the common interests of the public as consumers of the results of such development .
some things that can be considered in making such decisions , among others, is the quality and quantity of natural resources that are known and necessary ; consequences of extraction of natural resources , including biodiversity and the depletion of natural resources deposits . How can management do the traditional way or using modern technology , including its financing and environmental impact of the project on the environment as well as the possibility to stop the deterioration of the environment and calculates the costs as well as other alternatives .
Environment Articles

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Environment Articles

It - the above is only a partial list of the issues , or questions that should be considered related to any construction project . Also merely describing a concrete environmental problems that need to be answered . Having found a definitive answer to the questions above, then drafted guidelines that clearly work for various activities pebangunan , either industry or other fields yan gmemperhatikan human environmental protection factors .
Waste types that cause Soil Pollution

Soil contamination is a state in which man-made chemicals enter and modify the natural soil environment . This contamination usually occurs because : leakage of liquid waste or industrial chemicals or commercial facilities , the use of pesticides , polluted ground water entry into the sub - surface layer , chemical substances , or waste . wastewater from landfills and industrial waste directly discharged into the ground does not qualify .
If a hazardous substance has been polluting the soil surface , then it can evaporate , and the rain washed away or into the ground . Pollution that goes into the ground and then terendap as toxic chemicals in the soil . Toxic substances in the soil can have a direct impact to humans when in contact or can contaminate ground water and the air above it .
Soil contamination originated from domestic sewage , industrial wastes , and agricultural wastes
Domestic waste
Domestic waste can come from any settlements . 's trade show , markets , places of business and other hotels .
" Solid waste in the form of inorganic waste . This type of waste can not be misalnyalastik , beverage cans , plastic bottles of mineral water and others. "
" Liquid waste such as leftover detergent from home , feces , oil , and other contaminants into the soil that can kill micro - organisms in the soil . "
industrial waste
Waste from industrial environments dump waste directly into the ground without neutralization process chemicals first.
" Waste can be a solid waste that can be derived from the residual sludge processing suppose the rest of the paper processing , sugar , rayon , plywood etc. "
" Liquid waste in the form of the processing of industrial production processes like the rest of the processing of the metal coating industry , tembag , silver , chromium , boron are substances produced from the metal plating industry "
Agricultural Waste
Agricultural waste derived from the application of fertilizer to farmers tanamanya or poison for pest killers . such as urea fertilizer , pesticides .
Trash and Abatement Efforts

Consumer culture of today's society has a big hand in improving the type and quality of the waste . In the Era of Globalization , entrepreneurs and businessmen to compete as hard as possible to market their products , not only that but they have a strategy to pack the products with attractive packaging consumers . Variations in the product packaging resulted in increased litter type and quality . Unfortunately the pressure to create new products and their packaging by operators not accompanied by thinking persampahannya management system .
This condition should encourage various parties to participate in thinking about solutions of waste management , particularly the government and the policies governing the waste producers .
In this case the City of Bekasi Environmental Management has formulated a number of activities to provide public education related Bekasi persampahannya management system , through a variety of activities available such as Increased Public Participation in Environmental Management , Development, Eco School , Memorial Day Environment Day , Cleaning Waste / Weeds at River- River in the city of Bekasi ( PROKASIH ) and various other activities are expected .
Closely garbage relation to public health , because of the waste will live many disease-causing micro- organisms ( bacterial pathogens ) , and also animals insects as transfer / spreading diseases ( vector ) . Therefore, the waste must be managed properly to as small as possible not to disturb or threaten the public health . Better waste management , not only for health reasons , but also for the beauty of the environment . The meaning here is waste management includes the collection, transportation , processing up to the destruction of garbage or trash in such a way that it does not become a nuisance public health and the environment .
Waste management is defined as the control of solid waste , pewadahan , collection , transfer and transport , waste disposal process , in which all of this is associated with the principle - the principle of the best for health , economics , engineering / engineering , conservation , aesthetics , the environment , also to attitudes or culture of local communities.
We Make the Waste in the environment

In life , human beings can not be separated from the trash . Every day people always produce waste daily increasing in number . Garbage in urban areas has become a delicate issue that is sometimes difficult to overcome .
Trash is the remains of the goods or objects that have been finally disposed of unused . Garbage in our country are so abundant that arise disposal issues . There was once a town is facing the issue of waste to the extent that in every corner of the city found garbage strewn and piled up that makes us amazed how much garbage there . So that the city was dubbed the city dump . It happened due to the limited space for landfills and the absence of other alternatives to utilize existing waste . Garbage piled odor problems and infectious diseases that are harmful to humans . While in other places a lot of people who throw litter into gutters or rivers that eventually became one of the causes of flooding .
Trash can be classified into two types namely organic and inorganic waste . Organic waste is waste that can be processed while the inorganic waste is waste that can be recycled . Organic waste can be processed into fertilizer or energy source . Most of the waste generated by households is organic waste ( wet waste ) example of kitchen waste , vegetable scraps , fruit peels and leaves . While inorganic waste eg glass bottles , plastic bottles , cans , and paper .
Increase in population so rapidly and lifestyle community a big impact on the volume of waste generated . If this is not quickly addressed the more complex problem caused by waste . So waste handling needs of all parties not only by the government but we are actively acting against the problem . At least we can make use of waste from the results of our own homes .
Way to do is take out the garbage before pilahlah first organic waste and inorganic waste . Utilization of organic waste by collecting the organic waste is then processed by way of composting . This processing effort will produce fertilizer as a soil fertilizer by utilizing activity microorganisms, such as bacteria , fungi , insects and worms . If we have land / yard large enough organic waste can be buried on vacant land / yard. But when our land is limited , enter the household trash in the form of leftover vegetables or leaves into the box . This box can we make demgam size 60x60x20 cm3 . Then fill the box with leaves , vegetable scraps and enter some ground worms / red and enter the same two handfuls of soil . Do this every day , so that over time it turns waste into compost that can be used to fertilize our plants .
Utilization of other organic waste is organic waste mixed with water and then put in an airtight place and left there for about two weeks to produce biogas . This biogas can be used to cook the pollution levels are relatively small .
Inorganic trash cans can be used again eg for potted plants , or given to collecting used goods to processed in a factory / industrial recycling as well as beverage bottles . For waste paper / newspaper can be processed into recycled paper . Destroy paper with a blender with water and then filtered and put in place for the mold and then dried . Paper products can be used for a variety of crafts ( handicrafts )
When we are active in waste utilization , less will have an impact on our environment and most importantly, we have helped to save either saving money or energy savings .
With the Environment Article 4 examples above of course we already know well about the article and the Environment can already understand well the things that happen in the Environment around us . With the Environment article can hopefully benefit us all in keeping the environment around us .

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