Dodoo apple, is one of the refined products of the apple. Apples used to wear a sort apples, which looks less good fruit can be used for the production of apple lunkhead, because the material used to make lunkhead apple is apple fruit flesh. 
The main materials used in the manufacture of lunkhead apple is an apple with full maturity. Fruit used should have a sweet taste to reduce the amount of sugar added.
Additional materials required in the manufacture of apple lunkhead generally is sugar, coconut milk and glutinous rice flour. If a woman wants to make a more apples lunkhead supple and durable, the mother can add gelatin (pengenyal) and Premium HQ / preservatives. To add the dissolved gelatin could previously used in warm water to form a viscous solution like glue. For 1 kg adionan lunkhead can be added 5-10gram gelatin and 1 g Premium HQ.
Besides using glutinous rice flour and coconut milk, there are also recipes that use only lunkhead apple gelatin as pengenyalnya, generally lunkhead apples that taste similar to using gelatin jelly candy, chewy and sweet and sour. Unlike the apple lunkhead who uses sticky rice and coconut milk that tastes tend to be sweet-savory. Here we provide an alternative recipe apple lunkhead without glutinous rice flour

How to Make:
1.Kupas apples, cut and blender
2.Campur all ingredients and cook until mixture thickens
3.Tuang in a baking dish that has been spread with margarine
4.Biarkan until cold
5.Potong and pack in plastic

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