Tuberculosis or commonly abbreviated as TB is a disease caused by a bacterium called Mycobacterium tuberculosae . These bacteria will infect the respiratory organs , especially the lungs . But TB is not only infect the respiratory organs and alone . Skin and lining of the brain or myelin can also be infected by this bacterium . Tuberculosis attack humans , regardless of sex or age . Ranging from infants to elderly people susceptible to this disease . The signs of tuberculosis in children is not difficult to identify . For that let us recognize the symptoms of tuberculosis in children .
The most common symptoms are fever that inevitably arise . Fever is a sign of an incubation period of bacillus that causes tuberculosis . Fever arising in general is not too high so sometimes mistaken for just normal influenza fever . Other symptoms that may occur is a reduction in the child's appetite . Even in some cases the child will not eat at all . Children also lost weight drastically . Nutritional disorder occurs in almost all cases of tuberculosis in children . It is closely related to the child's lack of appetite .
As a parent , should swiftly recognize the symptoms of TB in children is because there are a few parents think their children have no appetite and did not find out the cause . Another condition is a symptom of the child 's limp body has no power or strength , seems always tired and listless , slow on the move and impress shut down .
Symptoms are fairly typical for TB cases identified in children is a chronic and recurrent stones . This long duration of cough with phlegm and did not issue a symptom of an asthma attack . Subsequent recurrent diarrhea in children is also a sign that the child is exposed to tuberculosis .
However, to further ascertain whether the child was exposed to tuberculosis or other diseases is to perform laboratory tests . But still have to recognize the symptoms of tuberculosis in children to be able to do proper handling of anticipation following the illnesses suffered by the child . And most of all do not forget to do the BCG immunization is one of the efforts to prevent bacterial infection tuberculosis .

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