Many language experiments have shown that chimpanzees are very creative and can learn to use symbols and also to teach others. They also understand aspects of human language, including the concepts of number and numerical sequence as well as some relational syntax. Chimpanzees live in a hierarchy where more than one individual can be dominant enough to dominate other members of lower rank. Alpha males are the highest male control group and low-ranking chimpanzees will show respect by making submissive body language movements or extend their hand while grunting. 
Chimpanzees make tools and use them for food, for social display. Primates have sophisticated hunting strategies requiring cooperation and allow the animal to reach and influence ranking by sharing meat. They are very capable of empathy, self-awareness and altruism. Above all, chimpanzees have a better memory than other creatures, including humans. Their analytical and good in solving problems, clearly capable of insight and complex “cognitive performance” both in captivity and the wild, and especially adept at analyzing the relative relationship. After all these traits, chimpanzees deserve the top spot in our list as the smartest animals in the world.
2. Dolphins

 3. elephant

In Asian cultures elephants are symbols of wisdom and known for their memory and intelligence. Indeed, they have a remarkable memory or better to say, they remember everything. If someone has been injured elephants in the past, it remains in memory for a long time. Similarly, elephants also remember their friends who had been kind to them. They follow the same migration path and know where to find water and other places, even if they have not been to the places in a few years. Elephants are considered highly altruistic animals that will even help other species, including humans. They constitute one of the most social animals of every species of life. When a wounded elephant, elephant else will help them. Also, they are sensitive animals where if a baby complains, the entire family will rumble and go to touch and caress it.
Recent research has shown that elephants can also imitate the sounds they hear. Like some other species, elephants are able to produce abstract art using their trunks to hold the brush. Also, they can spend a lot of time working on the problem and were able to radically change their behavior. Elephants are able to communicate, empathy, sadness, self-recognition and affection. They cry, work, play, laugh and use the tools of their environment. There is more to say about the intelligence of elephants, but this is enough to conclude that the elephant is one of the most intelligent animals on the planet.
4. Rhesus monkeys

Rhesus monkey known for intelligence and considered to be the most widespread species in the world, apart from humans. They have been widely used in medical and biological research. They have a remarkable memory, ability to learn new things, and make your own decisions. Rhesus monkeys using facial expressions are very similar and understood by humans. They are social animals and they can plan attacks together. Their vocals and sophisticated system similar to the human vocal system.

5. African parrots 

African gray parrots can imitate human speech and communicate through a lot of calls and songs. They not only imitate the human voice, but they also mimic household sounds and other noises. One type of parrots are able to identify 50 different objects, numbers up to 6. The famous African Grey Parrot is Alex who became part of the 30-year study. When researchers showed signs of annoyance, he’s really going to say “I’m sorry”. Parrots have a great ability to learn on our feelings, moods, thoughts and energy, and they force us to face ourselves because their behavior reflects what is going on around and within us.

6. rat

When it comes to conduct tests related to intelligence, drug abuse and learning, rats are a popular choice because of intelligence, ingenuity aggressiveness, and adaptability, they are high. Psychology they seem similar to humans. They have incredible senses of hearing and smell, and have been trained to sniff out land mines and bombs, in dogs. Also, they are very good in the maze, they will learn the maze by trial and error, but once they learn, they can repeat the maze with less or no errors. When you give a rat care, you reinforce a behavior. Rats are very social creatures that have a very complex relationship with people and other rats. It has been proven that rats dream, in a very similar way as humans. They dream about what they have done something that day and you can see them moving because they are dreaming.


With a lot of similarities between them, large black birds both have the ability to use different tools, calculate, differentiate between shape, and perform a variety of tasks difficult. Their intelligence is mainly observed through avoiding predators and finding food. Understanding of the social hierarchy also makes intelligent bird crow. They also can mimic a variety of different sounds, like a parrot, and they understand the concept of playing. In order to get more food and shelter for themselves, these birds can manipulate others.

8. ant

May seem a bit odd, but the ants are considered one of the most intelligent animals. They are social insects and the people they have communication between individuals, the division of labor and the ability to solve complex problems. They communicate with each other using pheromones, they use the soil surface to leave pheromone trail them so that other ants can follow. Some ant species use “propaganda pheromones” to confuse the enemy and make them fight among themselves. Quite clever, is not it? Many animals can learn behaviors by imitation but ants only group apart from mammals where interactive teaching has been observed. Ants foraging distances up to 700 ft from their nest and usually find their way back using scent track.

9. Whale

Whales are social animals and they have a complex form of communication with one another across long distances. Scientists have found spindle cells in the brain of the whale. It is believed that the spindle cells play an important role in experiencing love and emotions, and previously only found in the brains of humans and great apes. Pope has a unique appeal to the human psyche and their unsurpassed in their ability to invoke a sense of awe and wonder. Emotions they are mostly observed in the case of a family member died. Other studies have shown that whales can solve problems and use tools, and also to show sadness and happiness. The Pope is an excellent team player when they are hunting and together they were able to implement a particular strategy with precision.

10. dog

Dog intelligence is the ability to think, learn and solve problems. They learn tricks and commands very easily. Dogs can communicate with samalainnya in many ways, such as barking and the use of body language. They are also able to understand more than 150 words and intentionally deceive other dogs and people to get treats. They could empathize with us and understand our moods and know when we have to own or when we want some companionship. Many breeds of dogs, such as German shepherds, Labrador retrievers, Poodles, Border collie, Doberman Pinschers and a few others are known for their intelligence, especially because of their obedience. And of course, do not need to talk about their loyalty. According to the study, dogs can also count up to four or five and they can see the errors in simple computations, such as 1 +1 = 3 or 1 +1 = 1.

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