Sukarno founded the Algemene Studie Club in London . This organization became the forerunner of the Indonesian Nationalist Party which was founded in 1927 . Sukarno's PNI activity in this will keep him in jail and then transferred to Banceuy Sukamiskin in 1930 .

While incarcerated , Sukarno to rely on his wife . Whole needs supplied by Inggit assisted by older brother Sukarno , Sukarmini or better known as Mrs. Ward.

When transferred to the prison Sukamiskin , supervision of Sukarno increasingly hard and tight . He is classified as a dangerous prisoner . Even to isolate Sukarno in order not to receive information from the outside , he combined with the prisoners ' elite ' . This resistance group composed mostly of Dutch people involved in corruption , fraud , or embezzlement . Of course , chat with them does not connect with the young Sukarno who were eager to discuss the struggle for independence . At best what is discussed is about food , the weather , and the things that are not important .

The first few months of a prisoner in Sukamiskin Bung Karno communication with his compatriots breaking point at all . But the truth is , there are a variety of ways and Sukarno made ​​sense to keep outside information .

It happened when the prison authorities allow Sukarno taken delivery of food and eggs from outside . Eggs are a Inggit merchandise is always strictly checked by guards before being accepted Bung Karno .

As told by Mrs. Ward is quoted in the book ' The Young Bung Karno ' InterCity Library published in 1978, the egg became a means of communication to spread outside the state prison . How, when Inggit send salted egg , it means bad news out there that befell fellow Bung Karno . But he could only guess the only bad news , because Inggit can not explain in detail .

Over time , Sukarno and Inggit then find more sophisticated ways to trick the Netherlands . The medium is still the same , eggs . However , the eggs had been stabbed with a fine needle and a more detailed message about the bad news it can be understood Bung Karno . One puncture in egg means all good news , two puncture means a friend were arrested , and three puncture means no large - scale ambushes against the independence movement activist .

There is another more complicated way using the medium of religious books to the Koran . Inggit who gets a visit twice a week allowed to carry religious books and the Koran . For example , Bung Karno sent the Koran on 24 April. Then Bung Karno had opened the fourth letter of the Koran on page 24 . Under certain letters on the page there are small holes such as Braille . For example under the letter B there is a puncture , then at the bottom of the letter U , and so on , to form a series of words and phrases that contains news of his compatriots who are out of prison .

One more model of communication used Bung Karno . This method chosen Mrs. Ward , who always accompany Inggit Sukamiskin visited him in jail . He uses body language such as pulling ears , fingers crossed , winks , moves one hand , moving the face . All of the code was already understood its meaning by Bung Karno .

During his sentence from December 1929 until released on December 31, 1931 , Sukarno was never dijenguk by both parents who are Blitar . According to Ms. Ward , their parents Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo and Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai could not see that they are proud of the children were in the prison and dishonorable place in a powerless position .

Moreover , while in Sukamiskin , according to Ms. Ward , Soekarno conditions so skinny and black . But Bung Karno reasoned , he accidentally makes his skin turned black with work and moving out in the sun to heat up the bones. Because in the cell there is no sunlight , moist , dark , and cold .

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