Many people do not like to eat chili onion because the smell makes bad breath odor . But behind the smell , garlic is very efficacious for preventing damage to heart cells due to blockage of blood vessels .

Garlic is often used as a seasoning or condiment onion mixture contains compounds called dialilsulfat . In one study , the compound proved able to release hydrogen sulfide gas that is useful for protecting the heart cells .

Hydrogen sulfide has long been known to protect the heart , but their use is not practical because it must be given by injection . The content dialilsulfat in garlic gives hope that the hydrogen sulfide gas can be supplied with a more practical , by way of being swallowed .

" We 've done the research to find a drug that can release hydrogen sulfide via oral route (swallowed ) so it does not need to be injected again , " said Professor David Lefer of Emory University who conducted the study as quoted from Dailymail , Sunday ( 20/11/2011 ) .

Experiments conducted by Prof. Lefer is still limited in mice , but the results are quite promising . As the simulated heart attack , the mice were given a blood vessel blockage for about 45 minutes and given medication contains dialilsulfat .

Compared to mice that only corked his veins without any medication given , the rats that received less dialilsulfat damaged heart cells . The level of damage during clogged blood vessels can be reduced up to 61 percent .

Secara alami, gas hidrogen sulfida juga diproduksi sendiri oleh tubuh dan dalam kadar yang cukup sangat berguna mencegah radang atau inflamasi pada sel-sel jantung. Namun pada jumlah yang berlebihan, gas ini juga bisa berakibat fatal yakni menyebabkan kematian.

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